Multiple Choice

1. b)
2. a)
3. a)
4. a)
5. b)

True or False

1. T
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. T
6. F
7. F
8. F
9. T
10. T


1. How are stars formed? - when parts of the nebulas callapses on themselves.
2. How is a protostar formed? - after the nebula callapses.
3. Describe how nuclear fusion begins. - when the core of a protostar rises.
4. Define the word nebula. - a massive cloud of interstellar gas and dust.
5. How does a star collapse? - once fusion stops.

Fill in the Blank

The Life of a Star

A star has its begging deep inside a massive cloud of interstellar gases and dust called a nebula. A nebula consists primarily of hydrogen and helium. Stars are formed when parts of nebulas collapse in on themselves.

The Nuclear Fusion

Energy at the core and rises to surface then radiated away at the photosphere. Radiation causes surrounding stars to glow or shine. The star will eventually stabilize at the particular size. The more massive the star the faster its rate of fusion.

Position on the Hertzsprung – Russell Diagram

Large, bright, cool stars are called Red Giants. Small, dim, hot stars are called White Dwarfs. Stars that are the hottest most luminous and are very large are called Blue Super giants.

Stars like the Sun: Red Giant to White Dwarf

After being in main sequence, stars available hydrogen will turn into helium by nuclear fusion. With not a lot of hydrogen to burn, the outward flow of energy slows and the core begins to contract, this heats up remaining hydrogen enough for fusion to resort in outer layer. When the core of a star gets hotter outer layer of the star expands then cools becoming a Red Giant.

Mass of Stars

The mass of a star determines how long a star will live. A star with a high mass consumes hydrogen much faster than a star with low mass, resulting in a shorter life cycle.

Neutron Stars and Black Holes

When a star with an initial mass between 10 and 30 solar masses explodes into supernova, the core left behind becomes a neutron star.

When a solar with an initial mass larger than 30 solar masses dies, it leaves behind a core so massive that it collapses under its own gravity into a black hole.